Rams Record Staff

Rams Record Staff

Monday, September 24, 2018

                                                              The No Waste Lifestyle
Sophia, Rams Record Editor

I have always been intrigued by the no-waste life styles. A no-waste lifestyle is living a life to create as little waste as you can to help the environment. A lot of people start with a “why”. WHY am I doing this?  Do you hate to see plastic floating around in rivers and on the side of roads? Do you hate to see thousands of pounds of trash in abandoned landfills? Your reasons could be anything you want them to be. Maybe you want to just try this lifestyle because you think it would be cool.
The first thing you can do is completely use your non-environmental friendly shampoo bottles,  bags of chips, and plastic bags from the grocery store and try buying things in bulk. You can buy shampoo bars and safety razors that are more environmentally friendly. The razors have no plastic, and they come with extra razor blades. Recycle whatever you can and compost whenever you can to help produce less trash and waste. You can donate items as gifts for your friends. The fewer items you throw in the trash the better. You need to remember that this is going to take a while. You can’t change your whole lifestyle to help change the environment in one day. This will take time.
It will help if you can buy washable cloths instead of paper towels and napkins too. A lot of people buy reusable bags,  bamboo toothbrushes, bamboo cutlery, and women buy different feminine-care products that are less waste producing. You can always watch videos to learn more, but you need to remember that yes this will take time. NO this will not be easy, but I promise it will be worth it!

This is what we don’t want    

This is what we DO want!!!

Image result for no waste lifestyle

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