Rams Record Staff

Rams Record Staff

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


by: Kerra
Say whaaat!!!…...Literally... sled dogs came to Chichester Central School on March 18th.  This was an amazing experience. The entire 5th grade was waiting for this very day. At 10:00 a.m. Matt and Dylan arrived with sled dogs Scooby, Judith, Jack, Blue and Ford. Sadly the snow was icy, but that didn’t bring us down, or the dogs. In Alaska, the snow is never icy because it is too cold to melt. But, Muddy Paws' awesome dogs didn’t let the ice stop them from giving us a great demonstration. Everyone loved all the dogs and the presentation they shared.  It was a fascinating few hours of our lives.

I would like to thank Matt Konher and Dylan Berger for making this possible.  You will know just how much we learned when I share below the great questions and answers our kids wrote during the assembly.  
The Sled Dog Questions!!!
Name of Student
How long does it take to train a dog?
Either one week or one year but for some more time needed for training
What do they normally eat?
They need to take in  a lot of calories, so they eat raw hamburg and treats.
Why are huskies the best for being sled dogs?
It took 3,000 years of breeding to make them the best sled dogs.
What's it like being a musher?
It’s hard and exhausting but fun. It takes 11 to 17 hours a day, seven days a week.
How old is your oldest dog?
Ford,13 years old
Kerra  *
How fast do the dogs go?
13 miles per hour
Where do they usually ride?
On a trail with boundaries, such as trees. The kids created a path on their visit to Ccs.
Where are the dogs from?
From all over the country
Would you recommend sled dogs as a pet?
If you are willing to be outside moving with that dog at least a few hours a day to give them plenty of exercise
How old are the dogs?
They are eight years and up
How long have the dogs been training?
Depends on the dog
Do they train everyday?
Sometime but they usually sleep and stay in  their houses.
Aren’t those terrific questions that the 5th grade had wanted to ask? I thought so too. We all learned so much through this awesome adventure!
