Rams Record Staff

Rams Record Staff

Thursday, June 18, 2015


Dear Michael McLaughlin,
We are so proud of you! Third grade was great and fourth grade is going to be great, too! Happy Summer! With Love,
Mommy, Daddy and Ansley
Summer, Glasses, Sun
Dear Madison Lewis,
    We want to congratulate you on Graduating 8th grade. You have come a long way and we are very proud of you! Good luck in 9th grade, Baby Girl! Keep up the good work. We love you!
Dad, Mom, Amelia & Emma
Summer, Card, Beach, Palm,
    I hope you were having fun at your birthday. I know you were. You are the best! Caylee
Birthday, Fish, Party
Dear Rams Staff,
    I have been so incredibly amazed at your level of independence, motivation and your wonderful work ethic this year. We may be small, but you are mighty...Venturing into unknown territory...the WEB...for the first time has had it’s ups and downs...Ups...we have been viewed in countries the world over. Downs...there’s never enough time in the day to write as much as we’d like to! But y’all write anyway..even when you’re away from the newslab! :) For that, and so much more, I am proud of you and owe you my thanks! ;) Mrs. Audet  

Friday, May 29, 2015

Image result for chicksIt’s Chick Season in Third Grade!
Guess what!! Mrs. Rowe’s and Mrs. Binder’s third graders hatched chicks this Spring! Mrs. Rowe brought in some eggs from her flock. Here are the answers to  some questions you might have about the project.

     Q: Why did you choose chickens to hatch?
         A:Mrs. Rowe has been doing this for about three years and thought it would be fun.  
Q: How long did it take for them to hatch
A: The eggs were put in the incubator for 21 days. Two of the chicks hatched a
    day early, one hatched a day late.
Q: Are you going to name them?
A:Yes, we already named two and will name the rest.  
Q: What are going to do after you bring them home?
A: I will watch them grow and when they get bigger they will join the other chickens at my house.
One of the chicks, the late one, had trouble getting out of it’s egg. We think it has Rye neck which is caused by a vitamin deficiency. It can be fixed by giving the chick vitamins. So, that is what they are doing.  

        Let’s Take A Trip To NHPR!
It’s time for our annual Newsclub Field Trip. Here are the  
WHEN:  Friday, June 5...We will leave CCS at around 9:00, planning
to return at 1:30 ish.
WHERE:  Concord Monitor and Applebees  in Concord.
WHO:  All newsclub members, chaperoned by Mrs. Audet and Mrs.
Duval and volunteer parent drivers *
How Much:  The trip is free, however, students will need to bring along
            money to pay for lunch + tax and  a dollar for tip. (Some students
           get by with 10.00, while others bring 15.00. I try to remind students
           they must order according to their budgets. I pay for ice cream
           desserts for all students.)
kid graduate 2.jpg Message Mania
It’s hard to believe that the end of the year will soon be upon us. That means it is time, once again, to put your messages on the Rams Record Blog!
Message Mania is a Newsclub service that offers you a cool way to tell someone you care, bid farewell to a teacher or classmate, or reminisce about the past year. PARENTS, you too can proclaim your pride in your child and express thanks to anyone who was an important part of your child’s life this year.
The cost of a message is 5 cents a word. If you wish to participate...Just fill out the form below, write on blank paper or email Mrs. Audet at taudet@sau53.org. Then,  send it along with the money to Mrs. Audet or Mrs. Duval.
Your messages will be posted on the Rams Record blog during the last week of school!

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Friday, April 24, 2015

Spring Break

From the 27th of April to the 1st of May CCS is having a Spring Break or vacation. Newsclub is wondering, what are you doing for vacation? You can let us know by adding a comment on our blog or letting Mrs.Duval, Mrs.Audet, or one of the news staff know. HaveFun!
by Kendra L.images

Human Kind on Mars? You’re probably thinking ‘That’s impossible! There is no way someone could survive going to Mars! We have only really sent rovers to Mars surface. How could that even be possible?’ Well, Mars One has started a plan for settlement on Mars.
Mars One even has astronaut candidates. They will need three astronauts.Click this link to see an astronaut selection round three trailer.     

For more information go to this link: http://www.mars-one.com/  

Things That Kept You Busy This Winter
By Sarah

New Hampshire was hit with a record setting winter this year! This is a list of activities that people participated in this winter. Comment below on which activities you participated in this past winter!
Outdoor Activities
  • Snowshoeing
  • Sledding
  • Skiing
  • Snowboarding
  • Build a snowman
  • Have a snowball fight
  • Snowmobile
  • Ice Fish
  • Build an igloo
  • Ice skating

by Levi

Over the internet in the beginning of March there was an argument. Everyone has been arguing about the color of the dress- is it blue or black, or white and gold? The actual color of the dress was blue and black but the lighting was tricking your brain into think it was a certain color. Long story short everyone stopped arguing about it after a week or two. In the picture below the middle picture is the actual dress, and the ones on the sides are what people were seeing.


Friday, April 17, 2015

Courage and Strength in Numbers
By Sarah

March 7, 2015 marks 50 years since what many call: “Bloody Sunday”. On Sunday March 7, 1965 over 500 courageous Americans began walking from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery, Alabama in order to protest against racial discrimination in voter registration. As these people were concluding their march, which ended on the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Montgomery, Alabama, State Troopers began utilizing tear gas and bodily force to pressure them back onto the bridge. This violent scene was captured in photographs and videos that surprised and shocked the American nation. This day became known as “Bloody Sunday” as Americans watched the violence unfold.

In honor of these brave Americans and the 50th Anniversary of that day The President and the First Family, Representative John Lewis, and thousands of Americans walked over that bridge in Montgomery, Alabama. After the commemorative march, the President and Representative both spoke about the emotional day in 1965 and the heroic people that changed the United States forever.
Poetry Contest
Allison M

On April 21, 2015 CCS will have a poetry contest from grades 1st through 8th. They will have to pick a poem to recite in class. The teachers set a date for the in-class contest whenever they have time but Mrs.Bidwell has to know before the 16th  of April. There will be 3 contestants with 2 runners-up in case one of the contestants gets sick. If not, they can still recite their poem but can not compete for first, second, or third. Good Luck To All!  

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Oh, the places You’ll Go when you Read
Read Across America, 2015
The birthday of Dr. Seuss was here
an author whom we celebrate every year!
So here is a summary coming your way
so y’all know how we celebrated every day!   

        “Oh, the Places You’ll go with a Book “
                     was the theme this year.
                    SCHEDULE OF EVENTS
The week-long celebration of Theodore Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, commenced with morning announcements, during which editors from the Rams Record staff presented interesting factoids about Dr. Seuss and posed Trivia Questions which grades K-8 attempted to answer. Correct responses were collected all week and a raffle was held at the end of Friday. The winning class, Mr. Gagnon’s 6th grade homeroom, earned an ice-cream party on a day of their choice...most likely when it’s a tad warmer.
Throughout the week, students from k-4 participated in a Bookmark Contest  . Given bookmark templates, each student was challenged to design a bookmark around the theme, “Oh the Places You’ll go with a Book”.  There were many options such as:
    • Illustrate a favorite story and its setting.
    • Illustrate a scene from your favorite book.
    • Illustrate your favorite Dr. Seuss Book.
One winner was selected from each grade level and their names were announced at the Friday afternoon assembly. The winning bookmarks were made into full-color cardstock bookmarks, which were professionally laminated as keepsakes for each winner. All the entries will be reproduced on cardstock and disbursed to all the students, k-8.
On Wednesday, March 4 the Cat in the Hat made the rounds in the primary wing, stopping to read books to each class in grades k-3. The children were delighted!      
Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker
Doctor, Lawyer, Temperature Taker?
Rocket builder or astronaut
Have you given your future career much thought?
Oh, the Places You’ll Go, the things you might be
Dress the part for your classmates to see
Create a costume that you think will show
the job YOU’LL have and the places you’ll go!
Resa Audet, 2015
Where do you think your journey will lead you in 20 years? Friday, come to school  dressed for the career you think you will have.
And Come, they did! Stepping out of cars and off school buses early Friday morning were chefs (including Mrs. Reeves), police officers, underwater divers, Shark tamers, NASCAR drivers and a motley collection of other professionals. Some teachers arrived in unusual attire as well. Who’d have thought that Mrs. Binder,  Mrs. Carrier and Mrs. Audet had all planned to become medical professionals before opting for careers in education! Mrs. Rowe fancies herself a future farmer and Mrs. Dockham ….well, see for yourself!
The piece de’ resistance on Friday was a lovingly prepared lunch that would suit Sam I Am to a Tee! ON the menu?    Green Eggs & Ham, along with birthday dessert! Of course, no Read Across America week is complete without our awesome  Guest Readers arriving to share fantastic stories with our students in all grades! Thank you , Dr. Seuss, for allowing us to celebrate your birthday and the perpetual gifts you have left behind for us...in the form of your wonderful books! Til next year………

