Rams Record Staff

Rams Record Staff

Friday, December 12, 2014

Basketball Bounces Back

It is basketball time again, and this year at CCS there are two teams per grades (5-6 and 7-8). They are the Merrimack Valley League and the Suncook Valley League (MVL and SVL). The SVL team plays games on the weekdays, and the MVL team has games on the weekends. Mr. Gagnon is the sports director this year so if you have any questions you can contact him at 603-798-5651 or CGagnon@sau53.org.

Christmas at the White House
By Sarah

On November 28, 2014 an 18.5-foot Douglas Fir Christmas tree was brought to the White House by wagon. The First Lady, Michelle Obama, and her daughters, Sasha and Malia, along with their dogs, Bo and Sunny, came out to see the tree. It will be decorated in The Blue Room, located in the center of the State Floor in the White

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