Rams Record Staff

Rams Record Staff

Friday, December 12, 2014

Basketball Bounces Back

It is basketball time again, and this year at CCS there are two teams per grades (5-6 and 7-8). They are the Merrimack Valley League and the Suncook Valley League (MVL and SVL). The SVL team plays games on the weekdays, and the MVL team has games on the weekends. Mr. Gagnon is the sports director this year so if you have any questions you can contact him at 603-798-5651 or CGagnon@sau53.org.

Christmas at the White House
By Sarah

On November 28, 2014 an 18.5-foot Douglas Fir Christmas tree was brought to the White House by wagon. The First Lady, Michelle Obama, and her daughters, Sasha and Malia, along with their dogs, Bo and Sunny, came out to see the tree. It will be decorated in The Blue Room, located in the center of the State Floor in the White

Keep up- to- date with White House events by visiting:

Friday, November 14, 2014


Giggles and Goofs
by: Kendra

Q: What do you call a fake noodle?
A: An Impasta

Q: What do you call an alligator in a vest?
A: An Investigator

Q: What happens if you eat yeast and shoe polish?
A: Every morning you'll rise and shine!

Q: "What's the difference between a guitar and a fish?"
A: "You can't tuna fish."

Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
A: Frostbite.

Q: What is the best day to go to the beach?
A: Sunday, of course!

Q: What do you call security guards working outside Samsung shops?
A: Guardians of the Galaxy.

Q: What do you call having your grandma on speed dial?
A: Instagram.

Q: Why do bicycles fall over?
A: Because they are two-tired!

Q: Why do dragons sleep during the day?
A: So they can fight knights!

Q: What goes up and down but does not move?
A: Stairs

Q: Where should a 500 pound alien go?
A: On a diet

Q: What did one toilet say to the other?
A: You look a bit flushed.

Q: Why did the picture go to jail?
A: Because it was framed.

Q:What day do fish hate?
A: Fry-day.

Preventing Forest Fires

by Allison

There are different types of firefighters that have special training to help prevent and extinguish fires. Some fight structure fires, while others fight forest fires. Both types of fires are very dangerous. Wildfires can start by natural causes, but many are started by careless humans. The natural causes include lightning and spontaneous combustion. The human causes are cigarettes that are not properly extinguished, campfires and brush fires left unattended. Building small, personal fires can easily start a wildfire when sparks and embers jump to nearby trees and shrubs.
Each year, wildfires average 75,000 in the U.S.! In order for a fire to start and continue burning you must have heat, oxygen, and fuel to complete the fire triangle. Dry brush and wood make perfect tinder for a fire. Therefore, wildfires are most dangerous when the weather is hot, dry, and windy. A wildfire is one of the most dangerous natural forces on Earth! Here a Forest Ranger has a few things to say about wildfires and safety:

How does lightning cause a wildfire?

“Wildfires can be caused when lightning strikes an object in the forest. Usually this occurs when the lightning bolt strikes a tree or an object on the ground during a period of dry lightning or a thunderstorm with little or no rainfall,” states a Forest Ranger. “The electricity discharges into the tree or an object igniting the available fuels. Sometimes the fire can smolder in the duff layer surrounding the tree’s root system for several days until conditions allow it to escape and develop into a larger wildfire.”     

  • Humans are the main cause of wildfires. What are some ways to help prevent  humans from starting wildfires?

“Smokey Bear says that 9 out of 10 wildfires are caused by humans. For 70 years he has been teaching us his ABC’s:

Always Be Careful with Fire.

Smokey also has five safety rules for fire prevention:

  1. Only YOU can prevent wildfires.
  2. Always Be Careful with fire.
  3. Never play with matches or lighters.
  4. Always watch your campfire.
  5. Make sure your campfire is completely out before leaving it.

  • What are some ways to know if your campfire is completely out?

“Smokey Bear recommends a bucket of water to drown your campfire and a shovel to stir the ashes to make sure they are out cold.”

  • What is Smokey Bear’s famous saying?

“Only you can prevent wildfires!”

For additional facts and fun games join Smokey at his personal website; www.smokeybear.com.   
You can do this
Ruby dress
Increasing beat

Where Did You Go This Summer?
By Allison

Autumn is here, but it seems just like yesterday that Summer was here! While it may seem early to be thinking of NEXT Summer, we are looking for students and teachers to share what they did or where they traveled for vacation so that, in June, we can provide some tips for cool vaca spots and activities, in or outside New Hampshire. Please email Mrs. Audet (TAudet@sau53.org), Mrs. Duval (CDuval@sau53.org), or one of the Rams Record staff about what you did last Summer. Photos would be great too! They can be sent digitally or you can drop them off to us.  We meet Friday mornings at 7:30 before school. You also could send a comment to the Rams Record staff via our blog. If you would like, you can write an article for us to post, but please notify us first so we can be on the lookout for your awesome contributions!    
Thank You,
The Rams Record Staff
My Vacation to Gettysburg
by Sarah

This past Summer, my family and I took a road trip to Gettysburg. As we drove up to the Gettysburg Military Park Visitors Center I was amazed by the number of cars and people there. Walking to the visitors’ center we were met by Abraham Lincoln sitting on a stone bench. We took pictures with him and then went inside. There were lots of people leaving, since closing time was only two hours away. We bought tickets that would be good for the next day and started exploring. There was an array of cases with artifacts found after the Battle of Gettysburg. After  a fifteen-minute wait we were allowed in the theater to watch a short video narrated by Morgan Freeman. After the video, we took an escalator up to the Cyclorama where we watched a painting come alive with the sounds of cannons, birds and horses’ hooves. It was so amazing to see!
After watching the Cyclorama we had about an hour to see the rest of the museum. We walked through until it was announced that the museum would be closing. We went back to our car and drove to see the Soldiers’ National Cemetery. It was a very peaceful place. My family and I found one of the New Hampshire monuments.
The next morning we arrived at the Visitors’ Center for our tour with a guide. We met him and then went out to our car. The guide drove us around to the town of Gettysburg and parts of the battlefield. We saw some more New Hampshire memorials and the guide told us about other state memorials. Only one monument was placed there by the Southern states. All of the other monuments were placed there by Northern states. My favorite part of the guided tour was when we stood on the hill known as Little Round Top. It was a wonderful, clear day and, looking across in the sky, you could see the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia. We concluded our tour at the museum and started out on our journey home.

Apple News!

 What's Growing on the "APPLE" tree?

By: Levi

On September 19, 2014 the iPhone 6 was released for people to buy along with the iPhone 6 Plus and the Apple Watch. The iPhone 6 came with some new features like the pedometer app that tracks the amount of climbing that you do. This can come in handy for people who are trying to stay fit. The iPhone 6 also came with some issues. For example, the iphone 6 can bend, even though it’s not supposed to. The iPhone 6, was equipped with some accessories, like the Apple Watch, which was your choice to buy separately. Ios 8, the newest update for the Apple community, was available before the iPhone 6 was released. Some new features were brought to the Apple products like, predictive typing, and up to 6 people can share iTunes music, books, and other store purchases. Another cool feature is, anything you buy is instantly available to all your Apple products There are other cool features you are able to get. The only “bad” apple in the bunch is that now there will be a lot of lonely older iphones that got left in the basket!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

        It’s time again
now that it’s June
To play that
sentimental tune.
To don our gowns
and doff our caps
And give each other
high-five slaps.
Its time again
to bid farewell
To lives we know
all too well.
To shake the hands
of teachers who
Helped shape the future
we aspire to.
Its time again
and it did fly
We must never let minutes
pass us by.
Without enjoying
each fleeting one
For they seem to be over
just as they’ve begun.
Its time again
farewell, adieu
We will miss
everyone of you…
 Congrats to our grads, one and all
   To all the rest, See y’all
         next Fall!
     - resa audet
Dear MIchael,                                                                                   
  We love you. We are looking forward to having a great summer with you.
  With Lots of Love,
Mommy, Daddy & Ansley

Dear Ansley,
We love you. We are looking forward to having a great summer with you.
With lots of Love,
Mommy, Daddy and Michael
Dear Mrs. Sanborn,
  You are the best teacher in the world. I am so sad you are leaving. You have helped me so much.                                                               

Dear Mrs. Sanborn,
  You are the best teacher I’ve met. I am sad you are leaving us at the end of the week. I will miss you.

Dear Mrs. Sanborn,
  I will miss you. I had a good time with you. Thank you, Mrs. Sanborn.

Dear Kindergarten Children,
  Hooray for the kindergarten kids! You all did great! You can read and write and do math. You can solve problems. You can be clever and kind. You can build and make things. You can paint and sing. You can make pancakes and sew pillows and grow plants. You can hike in the woods and climb over rocks. It’s been wonderful to have you in kindergarten. I am so proud of you! Have fun on your vacation.
                    Mrs. Molleur

Dear Mrs. Sanborn,
  You are the best teacher EVER! I will miss you a lot. You help me when I need some help. I love you so much.
Dear Jo,
  Faith and begorrah, the day that i fear
Jo Sanborn’s retirement is finally here.
From one Lass to another, I’ll miss you a ton.
Enjoy your retirement, don’t act like a nun! :)
                     Kate Mara
  We are so happy for you and sad for us. Thanks for adding a spark to our day and a laugh to our building. It was a privilege and an honor to have worked with you. And a blessing to have had you as my friend.
For all my Reading Kiddos!
You’ve done your best to Be the best! Now it’s summer, so get some rest! Before you can blink, it will be fall. So enjoy your vacation and have a Ball!
              Mrs. Audet

Dear 3B,
   Have a terrific summer boys! You kept me on my toes!
                                     Mrs. Binder
P.S. I will miss my trio at RTI! Have a great summer, fellas...
                            Mrs. Audet


Dear Mrs. Sanborn & Mrs. Mara,
   Thank you for everyone’s help in school, reading, especially lots of fun.

Dear Mrs. Douglas,
 I had an incredible year with you this year in 2014. I hope you have an amazing time with your class next year.
Mrs. Sanborn,
    I am sad that you are retiring from CCS in 2014. I had the best time with you last year!

   We are so proud of everything you have accomplished this year. We love that you have such a kind and generous heart. Hard to believe you are already going to 3rd grade. We love you buddy!
             Mom & Dad

Dear Mrs. Sanborn,
  I will totally miss you when you are gone. You were so sweet to me in 2014.

Dear Mrs. Sanborn,
  I will miss you. You are the best teacher anyone could ever have. I will miss you so, so, so much.

Dear Mrs. Murray,
  You have been good at helping people when they need help. Thank you for helping everyone in Mrs. Binder’s classroom. Have a nice summer.
Dear 8th Grade,
  Best Wishes to you all! Test your wings and fly! You can do it!
                Mrs. Molleur

Dear Mrs. Sanborn,
  I love you because you make me do lots of work!

  It will be difficult to replace
  your sweet, smiling face.
  Your funny jokes and tales,
  your Lia Sophia sales!
  The way that you inspire.
  Energy that just won’t tire.
  The teacher kids adore.
  The way you never bore.
   Your handling of the bus.
   The friend you are to us!
   But of you I am so proud
   and want to shout out loud,
“Goodbye and Goodluck to YOU
You will be GREAT at ALL you DO!“

  I’ve owed you my life quite a bit...well, at least 6 dollars and 25 cents of it! :0 ) I will sooo miss the grin that is a permanent fixture above your chin! You certainly deserve a life of ease, away from meatloaf, ravioli and peas. Come back and see us cuz we’ll miss you a bunch. And if it’s not a Monday, I’ll charge YOU a lunch!!! :) LOL!!!!    Resa ;)
For Mrs. Stiles, as You Journey Forth…
 You have led us all through 16 years,
as we say goodbye through salty tears
we also celebrate with you
as you challenge yourself with something new.
The wishes of every girl and boy
is that your adventure brings you joy
equal to that you brought to us all
Your footsteps will echo through every hall…
Resa & all of Your CCS Family!                                                                                                              
